Thursday, February 25, 2016

Caged birds... When do we fly?

     Have you heard parents claiming their child has been under the influence of a bad company which altered his behavior towards them? Or their child has been doing things they strictly asked him not to, hiding from them?

But why the need to hide?

      Parents nowadays are so busy in their confined lives that their children have no other option but to go out and confide in strangers. And when something goes wrong and the situation is discovered all the blame falls upon the child's stupidity and disobedience. Have they ever, even for once, considered the lack of faith in their children? They were not available when their daughter had her first break up or their son got shamed for his cowardice. Because these things are not supposed to be their concern. They asked them to stay away from trouble. Now they won't save them.

       For years I have been one of the many troubled teens dealing with all the drama alone. Relationships, catfights, zoning out are just a few to name. My parents even blamed my lack of judgmental qualities when I was betrayed by my friends. They instead told me that they always saw it coming and had tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen. But no one is going to investigate the truth behind that, are they? 

   They tell us to stay away from people they think are not right for us. But on what basis are they judging them? Now don't tell me they know it just because they are our parents. No dude being a parent doesn't give you two ultra sensitive antenas on your head which vibrate on the sight of something harmful. (Though we should try inventing this thing okay). They do this because they personally don't like them or have heard stories of kidnapping of children after befriending strangers. They even fail to give them the benefit of doubt. Instead they tell us they have lot more experience. But having experience doesn't make you an expert in everything.

       We children(yes that's what we really are) have a weird way of working. Either confine us in or let us loose. There is not no in between. Now most parents like to do what is easier, confine us in , because that's what they're taught to do. Their parents and their parents' parents have also done the same. Its like a tradition to be followed to keep things in control. But are we in control really? I guess you already answered that.

       We go out, we meet people, we talk, we share. Some make their way into our lives which eventually makes us closer to them more than our parents. Not all of those people are our true friends though. We make mistakes sometimes and fall in trouble. Of course our parents won't live with us  forever and we have to live without them after a certain point of them. But aren't we supposed to be prepared for 
that? Then why all the restrictions? Why not instead help us deal with the situation?
The only problem is they think they have experienced it all and the best way to save us from falling is keeping us in our nests till we grow up and then kicking us out in time so that we learn how to fly. But, we are not birds. Our instincts are not so easily determined. 

   Only a bird which is caged wants to explore the outer world more than anything else. The more you try to keep it trapped, the more it will try to fly away the first chance it gets. In the same way the more restrain we face, the more we try to break free. So why restrain at all? Why not instead encourage us to explore and not only introduce us to the various dangers of life but also give the will power to face them? After all only then we learn to be wise, don't we?

I really hope my point is made clear here because I don't even remember why I started writing this. 


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